Commercial driver medical assessment

Also know as Fitness to Drive Assessments, a Commercial Driver Medical is conducted to increase safety on the road for both the driver and the public.

Driving a motor vehicle is a complex task involving perception, appropriate judgement, adequate response time and reasonable physical capability. Operating heavy vehicles adds additional demands associated with the vehicle itself, the responsibility to passengers, distances travelled and the demands of work schedules.

Drivers of a commercial vehicle are required to comply with legislation and be certified as ‘fit to drive’ in accordance with the National Medical Standard of Assessing Fitness to Drive. Cogent Thinking’s medical assessments are conducted in accordance to these standards.

Truck driver

There are numerous health conditions that can affect the ability of a commercial driver to drive safely, for example:

  • Epilepsy
  • Blackouts or fainting
  • Vision problems
  • Heart disease
  • Neurological disorders
  • Psychiatric disorders
  • Age-related declines
  • Sleep disorders
  • Diabetes

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A summary of benefits

Network of 3000 practitioners nationally

Clinical governance

Account management and support

Best practice quality processes

Fast turnaround times

Strategic insights and reporting

Vast geographical coverage with scope to scale up depending on your needs

Fully customised solution to both ensure efficacy and cost efficiency

Secure online portal to refer, retrieve reports and track your referrals

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